Monday 10 September 2012

Pebble Beaches


We have now been to Yport and Etretat in the north of France, and walked on the beach. These beaches don't have white sand on it like ours. They are covered in pebbles (the little round rocks that some people put on their garden). They are incredible, and when you walk on them they make a scrunching noise.

Also on the beach they have little buildings that look like tents. People get changed in to their bathers in these buildings. Sometimes you can even get donkey rides on the beach, but we didn't see any donkeys. We thought it was too cold to go swimming, but some people were in the water.

Along the north coast of France are huge white cliffs. The waves crash up against the cliffs and you can see arches and caves in the cliffs. It really is beautiful.

We walked around the town and found an icecream shop. I had a waffle cone with two scoops (1 blueberry and 1 rose). Matthew had chocolate mint. They were delicious. We didn't give Kev any icecream.

We also visited Mont St Michel, a large building that was built on a small rocky island. The building is so big, it covers the whole island. It has walls all around the outside like a castle. We walked around the walls and all through the building. The weather was really warm too, I wished I'd worn shorts.

Now we're going down to the middle of Loire valley to see all the chateaux. Leonardo  Da Vinci lived at one of the chateaux that we are visiting. There is a display of his inventions there. I'll post some more photos soon.

Have a great week. Not long until holidays now.

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