Wednesday 31 October 2012



We are in Spain. In Spain, people speak Spanish. They also have siesta breaks in the afternoon where people go home and have big lunches and rests. Many shops are closed in the afternoon from 2-4, then they reopen until 8pm.

Spanish children go to school for 9 in the morning, have a hour and a half to two hours for lunch [siesta break, in which many of them go home] and then come back for the afternoon session until 4pm. Can you imagine that?

In Spain we stayed in Barcelona, which is the capital of Spain. We went to a beautiful church called La Segrada Familia.

We also went to Parc Guell, which has some amazing buildings. The two buildings at the gate look like gingerbread houses

and the tunnel looks like a surfing tunnel.

Whilst we were there we saw a class of preschool children on an excursion. [Their teachers were telling them to line up and stay out of the puddles]

We also went into the city centre where they had a huge food market. 

We bought a bag of glace cherries.

And of course we had to have an icecream.

Adios/Good bye

Saturday 20 October 2012

Cuckoo clocks

Guten tag.

Can you guess where we are?

We went back up into Germany to the Black Forest. This area in Germany has lots of hills, trees and beautiful views. The black forest is also famous for making cuckoo clocks. They have been making clocks for over 300 years.

We stayed in Triberg, which is home to the World's Largest Cuckoo clocks. They are huge. The woodcutter at the side of this clock moves his axe up and down, pretending to chop the wood. It was very clever.

The next cuckoo clock we saw had a water wheel next to it. Do you know why they are called cuckoo clocks? When the short hand points to the 12, the cuckoo bird comes out the door at the top of the clock and "cuckoos" the right number of times. 
(Can you see the cuckoo at the top of this clock?)

Other large clocks we saw were:

We also went to the House of 1000 Cuckoos (they sell cuckoo clocks). Outside the shop, there were bears making a clock, and a little bear climbing up a ladder (he moved up and down), but they were all carved out of wood. It was awesome.

We also went to Germany's highest waterfall, also in Triberg. 

There were squirrels there that you could feed peanuts to. They were too fast to take a photo of, but we did see this big squirrel out the front.

The black forest is also famous for the black forest cake.

When we left Triberg, we saw something else that was the biggest in the world.

The world's biggest toilet. It was 12 metres tall. 
Very funny.

Now we are going to Spain.  (uh oh, I have to learn a little Spanish, better start learning). 

Auf  wiedersehen.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Buon giorno,

Just a quick note today because I thought you would all like to see these photos.

When we left Rome, we drove to the town of Pisa, where there is a tower that is really tall and is not straight.  It is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

I tried to push it back, but it just wouldn't go straight.

Guess I needed some more weetbix.



Buon giorno/Hello

We're in Rome, the capital of Italy. Rome is a very old city and it has some buildings that are nearly 2000 years old. Some of these buildings have been restored (fixed up) so you can see what they used to look like, others are just the remains of buildings (ruins).
Some of the buildings we went to visit were:

the Pantheon

the Colosseum

and St Peters Basilica at the Vatican.

We also saw some fantastic fountains and statues:

 Bernini's Elephant
 Trevi Fountain
 Arch of Constantine
the Leaky Boat

We also love Italian food. We are eating:

spaghetti bolognaise
and gelato. Very yummy.

Our favourite day in Rome was Friday, October 12. It was Matthew's birthday and we went to Gladiator School. It was fantastic.

Arrivederci/Good bye

Sunday 14 October 2012


Buon giorno/Hello

We are now in Italy and the main language is Italian.
(per favore - please, gratzie - thank you, si - yes, no - no, prego - you're welcome)

We are in Venice in Italy. Venice is a group of 118 small islands separated by canals and joined together by bridges.

There are no cars on Venice. Instead of using cars, people walk or they use small boats. We caught a ferry to go from where we were staying to the main island. It was amazing. The Grand Canal (the main canal in Venice) looked like our highways, full of dinghies, ferries and gondole (gondolas).

The main island in Venice is called San Marco. San Marco has a large square full of buildings that are very beautiful.

Venice is famous for masks 

One of the islands, Murano, is famous for the special things they create from glass. They have shops all over Venice that sell Murano glass figurines, jewellery and vases. They are very nice. 

Matthew bought a glass tiger. I liked this one, but it was too big to bring home.

Arrivederci/Good bye