Wednesday 31 October 2012



We are in Spain. In Spain, people speak Spanish. They also have siesta breaks in the afternoon where people go home and have big lunches and rests. Many shops are closed in the afternoon from 2-4, then they reopen until 8pm.

Spanish children go to school for 9 in the morning, have a hour and a half to two hours for lunch [siesta break, in which many of them go home] and then come back for the afternoon session until 4pm. Can you imagine that?

In Spain we stayed in Barcelona, which is the capital of Spain. We went to a beautiful church called La Segrada Familia.

We also went to Parc Guell, which has some amazing buildings. The two buildings at the gate look like gingerbread houses

and the tunnel looks like a surfing tunnel.

Whilst we were there we saw a class of preschool children on an excursion. [Their teachers were telling them to line up and stay out of the puddles]

We also went into the city centre where they had a huge food market. 

We bought a bag of glace cherries.

And of course we had to have an icecream.

Adios/Good bye

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