Thursday 22 November 2012



We have spent a lovely week in Muscat with Rachel, Mark, Chris and Michael. Muscat is in the United Arab Emirates near Dubai.

In Muscat, people speak Arabic, but a lot are able to speak English as well. Arabic writing looks very different and it is read from right to left. (luckily most signs have English writing as well)

In Muscat we have seen many things

Bimmah sinkhole - where the boys had a play in the water and fish nibbled my toes.

Wadi Shab - where we walked across the river and saw a beautiful oasis.

Niswa - which has an old fort and souks (shops)

We also went out on a boat and did some fishing. Look at the fish that Cameron and Matthew caught.

Many of the people in Oman are Muslim. They wear clothes that cover their body and hair. They also pray in a special place called a mosque. We went to the Grand Mosque and had to wear clothes that cover our legs and females need to cover their hair as well. Rachel and I both had head scarves. It was very beautiful.

We left Oman and flew to Dubai and then Perth.

After spending the night in Perth we flew back to Geraldton.
What a long holiday. It's nice to be home.
We'll come and see you soon.


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